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181. Civil Society Outlook: Where Can ICT Contribute Most
  Thursday, February 16, 2006  by Admin
  ICT are purported to have multiple functionalities that enable it to serve under-privileged communities very effectively, provided they have access.However, access to resources alone does not make them effective tools for learning. An enabling environment to support the delivery of learning and teaching is absolutely critical alongside dedicated programs for skills development in the use of ICT.
182. International Fellowships Program (IFP) - Tanzania
  Monday, February 13, 2006  by Admin
  IFP-Tanzania is hereby announcing the fellowships for advanced study. These fellowships are tenable anywhere in the world, where the program has Strategic Partnership Universities (SUPs). Each fellowship covers tuition fees, subsistence allowances, travel and other related expenses. A total of fifteen (15) fellowships will be awarded in Tanzania for the 2007/ 2008 academic year.
183. Access to information in Tanzania: Still a Challenge
  Tuesday, January 31, 2006  by Admin
  This study was undertaken by HakiElimu, Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA) and the Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC). The study was to test whether access to information differed by the type of person or organization making the request. Findings show that access to information in Tanzania is poor and only about a quarter of the requests of information were responded satisfactorily, after significant time and follow up.
184. Computer firm launches training in Dar es Salaam
  Wednesday, January 25, 2006  by Admin
  Computer firm launches training in Dar es Salaam
- The Microsoft Corporation has launched an unlimited potential initiative in Tanzania to enhance computer literacy among Tanzanians.
The initiative, dubbed the Unlimited Potential (UP) Programme, is a global facility that focuses on providing technology skills for individuals through community - based technology and learning Centres.
185. Tanzania Commission for Universities Logo Design Competition
  Wednesday, January 18, 2006  by Admin
  The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is need of a new logo to replace that of the formerly Higher Education Accreditation Council (HEAC).

186. Opportunities available for studies abroad
  Sunday, January 15, 2006  by Admin
  Opportunities available for studies abroad
Tanzanian students aspiring to attain excellence in their studies have been urged to search for opportunities abroad where they could be trained in their fields of their liking. The call to that effect was made by Khatton-nissa Kapasi, the director of a Dar es Salaam based University Placement Service, (ICON) in an interview with the Sunday Observer in her office yesterday.
187. Education: Incorporating different views for improved system
  Friday, January 13, 2006  by Admin
  This article by Joseph Owino looks at the education system in Tanzania. The Minister for Education and Vocational training has a task to sit down with experts, stakeholders and parents to work out a system which will be supported by all and for the benefit of Tanzanian scholars.
188. ICT vital in the wake of globalisation
  Friday, January 13, 2006  by Admin
  The Tanga City Council plans to introduce computer systems in all its primary schools by 2010 under the Education and Culture Development programme in its need to prepare city children in this globalised world.
189. Linking Global Commitments and Local Reality, The Case of Geita District, Tanzania
  Tuesday, December 13, 2005  by Admin
  The Government of Tanzania launched the Primary Education Development Plan (PEDP) to materializing Tanzania’s commitment towards the global Education for All (EFA) targets. The objective of this thesis was to examine how a substantial quantitative expansion of pupil enrolment affects primary school education in qualitative terms.
190. A New Era of Academic Opportunities for Africa
  Wednesday, December 7, 2005  by Admin
  African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Schools Enrichment Centre (AIMSSEC) is a schools mathematics enrichment programme offering free learning resources for learners of all ages from 5 to 18+ years together with professional development courses for teachers. This presentation is on the impact of the Internet on education and teaching. The paper also looks at the instrumental (economy driven) methods of education against the transformative methods.
191. The relationship between the education sector reforms and other national policies
  Friday, November 25, 2005  by Admin
  The education reforms in Tanzania have been taking place in a rich ambiance of related policies. Ever since the liberalization and privatization processes of the late 1980s, the Government has taken bold measures to align social policies with the new circumstances, ideology and global developments. The measures range from a search of a national vision to sectoral social policies
192. Higher Education through the Internet Expectations, Reality and Challenges of the African Virtual University
  Friday, November 25, 2005  by Admin
  Investment in higher education can be a major contributor to a countrys economic growth. With the spread of information technology higher education can influence social and political development and promote social justice. Since independence African countries have invested heavily in their higher education systems, often with the support of external aid and lending agencies. Despite this, higher education in (sub-Saharan) Africa is in a crisis.
193. Govt And Its Critics Both Want to Please Donors
  Thursday, October 13, 2005  by Admin
  IT COULD be that the government is yet to find a way to relate to the new culture of non-governmental organisations. Or is it that the real new culture is that of a regular brawl between the government and NGOs: Well, this time around, the tussle was between the Ministry of Education and an NGO. Joseph Mungai, Minister for Education, voiced his concern at a press conference that the NGO was portraying the Primary Schools Development Programme,
194. Contribution to Universal Primary Education by 2015 - Report
  Tuesday, October 11, 2005  by Admin
  Missing the Mark: A School Report on Rich Countries Contribution to Universal Primary Education by 2015: To reach the Millennium Development Goals on education, both developing and developed countries will have to work together to do more, do it faster, and do it better. The introduction to our 2005 report card reviews current aid to basic education against the promises made in 2000, and examines exactly what rich countries need to do to guarantee success on the universal
195. Siku ya Makazi Duniani 2005
  Monday, October 3, 2005  by Admin
  Katika ujumbe wa kuadhimisha siku ya makazi duniani, katibu mkuu wa umoja wa mataifa anasisitiza umuhimu wa maendeleo shirikishi ya miji yanayojali maskini na haki za binadamu.

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