Do you want to experience a nine-month –long internship programme at EASSI?

EASSI is an eleven year old sub-regional support initiative for women that boasts of having a hand in the implementation of Government commitments to women and girls' advancement. This program targets women from the ages of 18 to 35 from any of the eight countries of the sub-region, Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda. Every year we target four women. In 2008, we specifically seek women from Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania.

EASSI works on policy advocacy on governments to foster women's empowerment and gender equality. Through its work it aims to narrow the gap between policy rhetoric and policy implementation. Placing the advancement of women at the centre of all of its efforts, EASSI focuses its activities on four strategic areas: (1) Monitoring the Beijing Platforms for Action as a key focal area, (2) reducing feminized poverty, (3) increasing the role of women in peace building and conflict resolution, (4) achieving gender equality in democratic governance by increasing the numbers of women in power and decision-making, and recognizing that HIV/AIDS cuts across all areas and working with partners to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS among women and girls. To pursue these goals, EASSI works with like minded partners to advocate and lobby for laws and policies to eliminate gender discrimination and promote gender equality in all areas. It works to strengthen the capacity and voice of women's rights advocates. Its programme strategies are through, Research and documentation, Advocacy, Networking, information sharing, and Capacity Building.

The young women's internship programme provides opportunities for learning, interacting and traveling. Its objective is to develop and enhance young women's skills in leadership, lobbying and advocacy, programme management, report writing and analysis, research and documentation, information management, developing resourceful data bases, website maintenance and resource centre management.

The programme also provides opportunity to the interns to gain hands on experiences in working within a women's organisation. They have the chance to bring their own perspectives into the work of EASSI and to shape the internship programme. The programme will also shape their approach to feminism and issues at regional and global level that impact on women.
At the end of the internship programme, each intern is expected to produce a research report on an area of their choice but related to the work that EASSI does, based on their experience at EASSI.

Criteria for Selection
· Female between the age of 18 to 35
· Citizen and resident of Eritrea, Kenya, Somalia or Tanzania
· Must have at least a Bachelors Degree in Social Sciences, Law, Development Studies, ·Mass Communication, Education, Information Technology, Gender and Women Studies, Economics and other related Arts and Science subjects.
· Must be able to communicate fluently in spoken and written English. French and Kiswahiili are an added advantage
· Must have practical interest in the advancement of women empowerment in the region
· Must ably demonstrate how they will apply their skills to the advancement of women concerns within their own countries
· Must have some workable knowledge of IT
· Be able to work under pressure
· Be able work as a team
· Must be willing to be away from home country for nine months from April 1 to December 15 2008
·Must possess a valid passport for at least a year

Expectations of the interns

The success of the program will be measured by:-
1. An analytical qualitative and quantitative research from each intern on any of the four program areas:-
· Monitoring Commitments to the Platform for Action
· Women's Poverty, Food Insecurity and Lack of Economic Empowerment
· Governance Leadership and Decision making
· Peace and Conflict Resolution

2. Ability to demonstrate skills in each strategic area of EASSI
· Research and Documentation
· Advocacy
· Networking and Information Sharing
· Capacity Building

Requirements for the Application Process

1. Letter of recommendation by a credible women's organization and endorsed by EASSI's Focal Point in member country
2. Curriculum vitae-not more than 3 A4 pages, including three referees, one academic, one personal and one from a women's organisation
3. One recent colour passport photo-(either scan one or send by post)
4. Evidence of commitment to the women's movement in the region
5. Copy of passport
6. Copy of academic certificates
7. One A4 page of written work in a field of women's concerns

EASSI will provide suitable accommodation and a monthly stipend for each intern. They will also be entitled to two weeks leave.

The deadline for submission is Monday January 14 January 2008 at 1200pm GMT.
You can submit by email to Marren Akatsa-Bukachi at or post to
Marren Akatsa-Bukachi
Executive Director-EASSI
P O Box 24965
Kampala, Uganda
East Africa

Beverley Nambozo Sengiyunva
Programme Officer-Communications and Networking
The East African Sub-regional Support Initiative for The Advancement of Women (EASSI)
Plot 87 Bukoto-Ntinda Road P. O. BOX 24965, Kampala Uganda
Tel: 256-41-285163, 285194
Fax: 256-41-285306